Newborn photos can be creatively displayed in various places beyond the traditional frames or canvases on walls. Here are some unique spots you might not have considered for decorating with these cherished images:

  1. Baby Keepsake Box: Add a keepsake portrait or a few their box! This box may also hold mementos like the baby's first curl, hospital bracelet, or small tokens from significant events.
  2. In a China Hutch: Place photos behind the glass doors of cabinets or hutches. It adds a discreet yet sentimental touch to your home decor. Secretly, this one may be my favorite! I even had Michael write the hutch so my favorite portraits are lighted in the evenings.
  3. Desk: Display photos in a frame on your desk so you can have a gentle reminder while working.
  4. Inside a reading nook for your child: Add an art album to their reading nook this way they'll encounter a delightful surprise each time they sit down to read.
  5. Window Ledges: Display photos along window ledges, adding a personal touch to your windowsills.

Need some more creative ideas OR missed the chance to do this with your first baby. Don't miss it with the second. Click below to get on our calendar and let's create some custom options for YOUR home!