You know you've found your people when...

Photographing large families and Crystal Coast visitors is my specialty. I've seen a lot ... from having spent the day drinking to cull the nerves, to watching a family fight before we can begin a session, and now I can officially cross off pulling up a chair because Dad is used to "how this goes."

Unless you have physical limitations, I can assure you that you won't be standing still for long. I ask of all my families to COME AS YOU ARE. To talk, laugh, skip, walk, play in the water... Once we've captured the classic 'all family' portrait, all bets are off.

Thank you, Parris family, for keeping me laughing and being willing to give up your seat. ;-)

Vacationing on Emerald Isle?

I will travel to the comfort of your beach home to make gathering these memories the most convenient for you! Home owner here in Emerald Isle? Let's work together to capture the character of your home and create keepsakes from year to year!